Your Studio Podcast
Join Chantelle and Michelle as they help you solve your studio and achieve the life of your dreams.
If you are a studio owner and feel a bit like a hamster on a wheel, there is no better place for you to be. Your Studio Podcast will give you practical and powerful guidance on how to better run your studio, based on what's really working in studio businesses right now.
Over the last decade we have worked with thousands of studio owners from over 34 countries in dance, performing arts, music, drama, yoga, pilates, and we've even worked with woodworking studios. If you run a studio with classes, we are your gals.
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Your Studio Podcast
Nourish Your No: Boundaries That Build a Thriving Business
Are you saying "yes" when you really need to say "no"?
In this heartfelt episode, Chantelle and Michelle dive into a topic that strikes a chord with every studio owner: toleration.
From navigating tricky team dynamics to confronting workplace toxicity, they unravel the hidden costs of tolerating what no longer serves you—personally, professionally, and culturally.
Through warm, empowering stories and practical advice, this conversation shines a light on:
- The surprising impact of unchecked tolerations on your mental health and studio culture.
- Why setting boundaries and non-negotiables is a game-changer for growth.
- How clear communication and systems can create harmony and ease in your business.
It’s time to reflect: What are you tolerating in your studio? And more importantly, how could nourishing your “no” unlock the freedom, joy, and balance you’ve been craving?
Join Chantelle and Michelle as they guide you toward making empowering choices that protect your energy, support your team, and cultivate the thriving studio (and life!) you deserve.
Got a studio niggle right now? Leave us a voicemail, and we can help Solve Your Studio in one of our episodes. Chat to us here: https://www.speakpipe.com/LeaveEvolutionAVoicemail
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Michelle Hunter (00:49)
Just maybe just move one strand of hair. There. It's not just boobies. OK.
Chantelle Bruinsma (00:49)
I think I kind of look naked in this top.
I'm not a mermaid.
Michelle Hunter (01:01)
It is kind of fun. I was gonna say, you should do it. like, it's like guess, guess. Can you guess? That is so hilarious. That is so hilarious. hi everyone. Welcome back to the Your Studio podcast. It is Michelle Hunter and Chantelle Bruinsma here. And today we're to be talking about something that is quite common for a lot of studio owners and it can be a bit deep and a bit personal.
Chantelle Bruinsma (01:00)
It's kind of fun though.
Am I naked? Am I not? Who knows?
Michelle Hunter (01:25)
And we're asking, what are you tolerating in your studio business? yeah. Cause we've all been in that situation. We've all been in it. There's something, you know, icky that we tolerate and we just, you know, we just, keep going. We just keep going through it. Cause sometimes we don't want to face it. And sometimes we don't think we're worth, something better than that. And it really can set us back in so many areas of our business.
Chantelle Bruinsma (01:30)
Back to the guts, Michelle.
Yeah, it's actually about probably the studio owner's ability to tolerate things that aren't particularly great in their business is probably the biggest thing that holds them back. It's the studio owner's capacity just to be like, it's fine. I can deal with this. I got this. Right. And meanwhile, you're kind of like, you know, putting up with that team member who's always late or, you know, the fact that you like
Michelle Hunter (02:03)
Chantelle Bruinsma (02:23)
your car needs new tires and you can't afford to put new tires on your car and you just like, it's fine, it's fine, I'm gonna give that team member that raise because they've been with me for five years and they really need it and your needs aren't being met. Or the fact that like, that back room is just so chaotic and so all over the shop, but I just haven't had time to do it. And so you just like all of these things just like stack and stack and stack of like, they're not how I want them to be, but I...
I'm maxed and I can't do anything about it. Right, Michelle? It's an icky feeling.
Michelle Hunter (02:57)
it's an icky feeling. you know, it reminds me of a time that I was actually in this situation, we were in a situation, Chantelle with a team member. And, you know, at this particular time and this particular team member, there was a lot that we, I didn't even know at the time, we're carrying in regards to this relationship, because at that time, this person needed a lot of support. So there was a lot of
Chantelle Bruinsma (03:22)
Michelle Hunter (03:25)
extra communication in addition to the general comms. And it wasn't just daily, it was multiple times a day. And I was just putting up with it. I was just tolerating it. like, you know, we just got to get through this period. We've just got to get through this busy period and we're just going to keep on going and I'll deal with it after. And it came to a crunchy point where, you know, I just had to deal with it and I had to, you know, have that hard conversation and that person, you know, left. And I didn't realize
the effect it was actually having on me and the mental load of it until I let it go.
Chantelle Bruinsma (04:02)
Yeah, it's really tough. So I'm kind of wondering for those of you listening along at home right now, like what in your business are you tolerating? Is it that you haven't been paid a wage, a proper wage in a long time? Is it that you're teaching that class that you don't really love, but you haven't got another teacher to step in? Is it that you...
Michelle Hunter (04:03)
that's a big one.
Chantelle Bruinsma (04:30)
haven't taken a vacation but everyone else gets vacations like what is it for you really kind of gets your goat and frustrates you and also you have this duty this responsibility this sense of obligation like it's okay as the owner there are kind of things you have to own and this is just one of them you put it in that box what's in the box what is in that box for you what's the biggest one?
Michelle Hunter (04:53)
Let's start talking about team because this is a, this is a big one. And with studio owners, this is a, this is a area of the business that we see them tolerate a lot of. And whether you have a big team or a smaller team, it can just take one team member. You know, one bad experience or one team member who's, you know, not aligned. It can really change.
Chantelle Bruinsma (05:09)
Michelle Hunter (05:17)
culture of the team and it can grow past just one team member to two team members. And then that, that becomes a bigger issue than the team that that can grow into the customer experience. You know, the students, and we've seen that if you continue to tolerate as a studio owner, it can get out of control and it can affect a lot of the areas of your business. And it's also one that
we see it's kind of like the big personal hurdle one just to do like from outside Chantelle, isn't it? When this is brought to us, it's like, it's so clear, but it is such a hard decision. And it's one that we see studio owners tolerate so much.
Chantelle Bruinsma (05:46)
Mm-hmm. It's hard.
my gosh, it's a really tough decision because it's usually someone you've had a significant relationship with. And so they've been with you for a while, they've been in the trenches, then by your side, you've had some really high moments with them. You've created, you've seen growth, you've achieved these things together. And then over time, what often happens is it's kind of a little bit of entitlement that that kind of person seems to feel a little bit like, well, they've invested a lot into this business, so they kind of get all the perks. And then comes to the point where you're a bit uncomfortable with like,
Michelle Hunter (06:01)
Chantelle Bruinsma (06:25)
I'm not really comfortable with you wanting that or saying that or doing that and like whether it's they're kind of taking a bit too relaxed about things or they're kind of not quite still staying in in the boundaries of their role and then you're at the point of now like they have feelings about how they want to feel and you you also have feelings of like I'm not really comfortable with this and this is your business and so it's very normal for a period of time for you to still absorb that.
Michelle Hunter (06:45)
Chantelle Bruinsma (06:53)
absorb the discomfort and stay in that state of like, okay, well, they've done so much for me. You know, they've been so good for so long. I'm just gonna kind of, it's all right. It's not a big deal. We'll just kind of roll with it. I'm sure to get better. But then what happens often is that that builds toxicity breeds toxicity. And then what happens is that often that team member will have a relationship with other people on the team, right? And then that's when we get this critical mass of
Now there's two people having these feelings and having these thoughts and, or even just as the one, but there is creating this tension that's in the room. It's the elephant in the room that no one's really talking about, right? And so the only ways to resolve the situation are to have some really healthy conversations. We call them Rumble starters based on the work of Brene Brown. And you're actually bringing it out on the table and, and stating it openly and clearly and being really concise in the boundaries.
and remembering that this is your business and that team members are gonna come and go. Team members are gonna be here for a reason, a season, very few are gonna be there for a lifetime. Very few are gonna be there for you 10 plus years, right? Some will and some studio are extraordinarily good at this, but not everyone's gonna have everyone stay for more than 10 years. And accepting that who got you to here may not be who got you to there, but having the gratitude and relationship of like, it's okay.
Michelle Hunter (07:55)
Chantelle Bruinsma (08:21)
It's okay, we can move through this and if the best thing for you is it to work somewhere else, that's okay as well.
Michelle Hunter (08:28)
100%. And, and I think like what you just said there, coming back to like, this is your business. Yes, you, you know, these people have been a part of the journey of building it, but the end of the line, this is still your business and it's kind and it's fair to have these rumble starters and open the hard conversations and hear them out. But it's also fair that this is your business and you can run it the way you want to and how it feels right to you. And if you continue to tolerate, toxicity.
It's not gonna be a fun ride, friend. It's not gonna be fun ride.
Chantelle Bruinsma (09:02)
Usually doesn't work out well unless it's addressed. There's no healing. Yeah. So if we don't address it, that's going to continue or, and like, you know, we've had a lot of clients along the lines. Like they've obviously got someone in the team who is just not contributing to a positive healthy culture and like they've got to go. They've got to go. It's time for them to go. But the resistance of like, I'll just get to this time here. Or we'll just see through after the concert. And it's like, it doesn't, it doesn't serve anyone. It doesn't serve.
Michelle Hunter (09:05)
Early. Yeah. Yeah.
I gotta go.
Chantelle Bruinsma (09:30)
Anyone it is best for them to be in a positive work culture It is best for you as the leader to be curating the positive work culture All these things are super important to be aware of
Michelle Hunter (09:40)
And the longer it drags on, we've seen, like the toxic team, they double down. They have more reason, right? They're sitting on the sidelines and it's like, okay. Like they have more things that they're unhappy about or that's unsettling. And then again, it's just more load that's adding to what you're tolerating.
Chantelle Bruinsma (09:52)
and then you kind of just like feel like you're tiptoeing in your own business
Michelle Hunter (10:00)
In your own studio, like what do know? No. And we're here today going, no, you don't need to stand for that. You don't need to stand for that.
Chantelle Bruinsma (10:03)
It's also
the students, right? this is the good one too. So you've got that student or that parent and they are not shy about giving you feedback, right? Not shy.
Michelle Hunter (10:19)
Chantelle Bruinsma (10:22)
and they make your life a misery. And you're there at three o'clock in the morning thinking and like writing that email response, like what you should have said in that moment of that conversation, right? You're there. And it's like, at the end of the day, you control the emotional culture of your business. You're responsible for making this positive for yourself as well as everyone else. It's okay to say to people, it looks like this isn't a match for you. We wish you every happiness, right? And to actually allow students to go.
Michelle Hunter (10:27)
Mmm. So true. Yep.
Chantelle Bruinsma (10:50)
to move them along is one of the most empowering thing you can do as a studio owner. And what we kind of tend to say is like you'd write an email and say thank you so much for your time here with us. It has been, we've been grateful to be able to connect with you in this way. And also based on your feedback, it's come to, it seems like a very clear place where we are unable to deliver what you are seeking in a studio. Therefore we have refunded your last month's tuition.
and we invite you to go and pursue your learning at a studio that really meets your needs. We wish you every happiness and every success. All the best. Full stop. Send. Done.
Michelle Hunter (11:28)
Then move and then like kind of like the key thing we've seen is like get your admin to remove that email from your inbox as well. Like you don't need to see any more. You've kindly done it. You know, you've been gracious. You haven't been hateful or anything in your communications, but that is it. You have choice. You have choice when to end that communication in your business.
Chantelle Bruinsma (11:48)
Yeah, really, really important. you know, get into that point of deciding like, no, how I feel is in this studio is as important as what we do. Like, that's a really big point to come to. How you feel financially, if you're paying your team members a lot more than how you're being paid, that's uncomfortable and fundamentally a bit wrong, right?
Michelle Hunter (12:11)
yeah, yeah.
a good good to the next one because there are some other areas in the business that we see a lot of studio owners tolerating Chantelle and you could probably go into this a bit more.
Chantelle Bruinsma (12:25)
Yeah, yeah. mean, even when it comes to systems, there's so much support and strategy out there in terms of how to make your life easier. I get, we get the email from studio owners at two, three o'clock in the morning. And I'm like, what are you doing? What are you awake for? This is not good for your nervous system. This is not good for you. Get off your computer, go to bed, right? But they finish teaching, they get home nine, 10 o'clock at night, and then they kind of jump off the computer and it's just not a healthy lifestyle for you.
Michelle Hunter (12:37)
Yeah, doing awake. Yes.
Chantelle Bruinsma (12:54)
and you're not kind of getting enough rest to be healthy. So then it all kind of cascades from there, right? And there's so much more you can have in terms of systems for support to automate things in your business, to get your marketing systemized and scheduled, to get your processes dialed in. There's so much more ease that's available to make the running this business of your simple. But I wonder if you're just running so fast and doing so much and carrying so much that you can't even
catch your breath enough to find out how to get this sorted out. It just feels like everything's too much and you're just swimming and keeping your head above water and that's no way to live. And we see clients come in, they've been struggling for decades. Studio owners have been running their business for 30 years and they have been stretched thin, shackled to the studio, not having the growth that they want, absolutely depleted on the brink of burnout for decades, right? And there's stoicism.
Michelle Hunter (13:39)
Chantelle Bruinsma (13:53)
The stoicism of studio owners, Michelle, is staggering. They can cop it. They will just soldier on like Codral, right?
Michelle Hunter (14:02)
Soldier on and the show must go on. They just suck it up. You know, it's like suck it up princess. It's like they are the definition of that.
Chantelle Bruinsma (14:07)
It's rough. It's rough. It's like, show no weakness, right? Just kind of keep, your smile on, keep going. I can handle this. And the truth is until we go like, actually, no, it could be another way. There can be another way of feeling in this studio for you to feel supported and for you to feel like you are making decisions that holistically support you and your happiness and your wellbeing and your financial position. Like that's a quantum leap in your empowerment.
Michelle Hunter (14:40)
And even in your thinking So Chantelle, when you're looking at the stretched studio owner, like what lens are they looking through to no longer tolerate all of this?
Chantelle Bruinsma (14:42)
It's, we have a little phrase here in Studio Evolution, it's called nourish your no. And it's all about being comfortable with saying I'm unable to do that. Thank you for the invitation, I'm unable to come. I'm not able to do that for you right now. No, no, that's not going to be possible for you to take four weeks off after you've just had six weeks off last month. Like it's kind of like that's
Michelle Hunter (15:00)
Yeah. Yep.
Chantelle Bruinsma (15:23)
We've been there before, you know, it's kind of, I'm sorry, we're not able to meet that request at this point in time. I understand that's what you would like and that you desire we're unable to run the business in this way. So nourishing your no as a studio owner and knowing that you're worthy of being able to say, you know what, this is how it's gonna be right now. And this is for the best of everyone. This is like the holistic best.
Michelle Hunter (15:46)
And what I've found really helpful for us as business owners, Chantelle, and like what we tolerate is another way to look at it is what are your non-negotiables? That is always a wonderful way to look at the flip side. And if you can keep to like, you know, a core couple of non-negotiables of what you want in your business, that's going to really help you clearly define, nourish your no's and what you are willing to tolerate and what you're not willing to tolerate in your business.
Chantelle Bruinsma (16:13)
It's funny. You know, I'm just thinking here, like I was asking myself the question, like, what am I tolerating in my role right now? And you know, I kind of come to it's like, literally everything that you tolerate, it kind of comes back to just that I haven't communicated well enough what I want. Like if I was to like, what's the underlying thing here? I haven't actually been explicit in what I want and shared that clearly.
Michelle Hunter (16:29)
You nailed it.
You've nailed it. You have a hundred percent nailed it. Cause I was thinking that too. like, what am I tolerating? It's like, maybe there's a bit too much comms. It's like, well, I haven't told them that these days I am like in project planning day just on that specific day. So yeah, it's a clear communication is key.
Chantelle Bruinsma (16:46)
So also this one, we like this like little choreography, it's like, boundary set you free. So for those on the podcast listening, like I've got my hands above my head, like pointing in a triangle, boundaries set you free and then opening my arms up to the sky. Like this feeling of like, the more clear you are, the more explicit you are, the more expectations you set, very confidently, very calmly, very lovingly, the more freedom you have. Say what you want, you're worth it, full stop.
Michelle Hunter (17:00)
What we say, clarity is kind, yeah?
Chantelle Bruinsma (17:22)
Yeah, clarity is kind. That's another little Brene Brown winner.
Michelle Hunter (17:27)
We always say, we always say it.
Chantelle Bruinsma (17:30)
Clear is kind, unclear is unkind. When you're not clear of like, this is okay, this is not okay, it's okay when you do that, it's not okay when you do that. These are the types of things for us to normalize in our language as studio owners.
Michelle Hunter (17:32)
So unkind, so unkind.
And I think that's why communication is so important because a studio owner, you're, you got to be clear to so many different people on your team, right? There's got to, it's got to be very succinct
Chantelle Bruinsma (17:53)
And this is also like really prioritizing like what the business needs. Like what the business really might need is for you to have two weeks off teaching where you actually once and for all sort your marketing out. You know, for you, you actually need one day a week to be working on high level things where there's no communication, no meetings, no text messages like team, I'm offline for this day. I'm working. That's what you want Michelle, right?
Michelle Hunter (18:03)
and a hundred percent. you, you see, actually it was quite funny. It was funny. Our accountant said something really funny. Like I wasn't doing it for a while. And then I said like, no, I'm looking at two days just on project working on this. And then the accountant said, it's really fascinating from this month onwards. was like so much profit was happening. What was happening was like, yeah. I stopped communicating with, I told the team, you're not to contact me on these days from that month. And I was working purely on.
the business, you know, and I was like, just working on our funnels and it was, yeah. And that's what happens when you're very clear and you can just be very clear with the team and when they can access to you and when they can chat to you, magic can happen.
Chantelle Bruinsma (18:48)
Michelle. It's amazing.
All right, so I want this on the public record. So we've talked about this. What is your explicit clear communication of your boundaries of in terms of team communication? What days are you not available for communication with the team next year?
Michelle Hunter (19:06)
I don't want to be communicating on Monday and Fridays. That is, yeah. Cause guys, studio owners, I feel you deeply. I'm not saying it's easy. And it's because, you know, just like a lot of you studio owners, I'm in contact with a lot of the team and you know, because there needs to be clarity. There's a lot of communication, but I, can't get the big work done if you're still tolerating all the itsy bitsy, itsy bitsy things. And yeah, Chantelle, I'm saying it.
Chantelle Bruinsma (19:19)
You sound like you're terrified as you're saying that.
Michelle Hunter (19:46)
next year, Mondays and Fridays, I need off. even if it's those in-between moments, I don't know how to describe it. It's in that silence is when the penny drops on big things that I'm working on. It might not be, like I might not be going, yep, I'm just sitting here for the next seven hours, no comms. It might be in that in-between moment when I'm making that cup of tea on that day and I'm just about my day working, but I'm not in the noise is when I go, uh-huh, that's what needs to be done. And that's how we're going to change that whole project.
Chantelle Bruinsma (20:06)
Yeah, it's like, cause if you're having to dive into other people's jobs, that's when your brain is so diluted versus when you just get to stay in your zone and that's when your magic truly, truly happens. Yeah, that's really important.
Michelle Hunter (20:23)
Yep. Yep.
could break it down.
Chantelle Bruinsma (20:26)
And you know what, Michelle, it's kind
of like this interesting thing of, you know, we all want our businesses to succeed, right? And what we don't even quite realize is that by doing all of these things and kind of like just being everything for everyone and kind of not being really attuned to like, this is what the business needs, this is what I need to make the business successful, we're kind of in some ways like sabotaging the growth of the business, right? And we think that we're doing the right thing by everyone else. What the business needs is your devoted kind of protected time, like protecting Michelle.
Michelle Hunter (20:41)
so true.
Chantelle Bruinsma (20:55)
having two days just where she's able to work is really, really important because that's what's gonna give the business the growth that it needs. And so sometimes you have to make the decision that's actually in alignment with like the bigger priority here. And I wanted to ask Michelle, you know, with the team, like obviously on the Mondays and Fridays when they're not going to be able to contact you on Voxer or text or email.
like there's ways of supporting them, right? So can you just wanna share like how you kind of, what setup you've set up done with them to make them like, getting them documenting their questions for you? How have you done that?
Michelle Hunter (21:28)
Yeah, 100%. So we obviously have different departments and managers of like marketing and operations here at Studio Evolution. And one thing I do have is like a rolling document. So at the beginning of the week, I need to know what, you know, we're normally quite aware of the projects and the big peak seasons that are coming up, but things like they need to get to know from like, you know, they just want to cross off or what they need to know. I like to do like, I call it like a smash. It's like smash it out. I want like earlier in the day, I want to know all your questions.
And then we can just get it all out and they can move on. And we kind of have like a rolling document. So you could do this like simply in a Google doc or in Asana, we have like, know, Trello, like weekly, you know, dates and it's like rolling. it's like, it's always, I always know what they're working on their big project plans. And then those, have their itty bitty questions and I like to smash them out earlier in the week. And so it's like say on a Tuesday and then we get to a Thursday, they've gotten to a bit more implementation time. I like to do like another smash. And when I say like,
Chantelle Bruinsma (22:04)
or Trello.
Michelle Hunter (22:25)
a smash, it's either like we jump on, nothing physical, we jump on into a zoom.
Chantelle Bruinsma (22:29)
I know it's a classic Michelle anatomy
analogy, like violence and like a lot of strong movement. Yeah. It's classic. Yeah. No, it's not my language.
Michelle Hunter (22:36)
It's like, let's just smash this out. That's not Chantelle's use of vocabulary. No,
but as I say, I like to say to the team, let's smash this out. And they, and it's an open forum. It's like, ask me whatever you want, but I like to put a timer on it because I, Chantelle, have like, when it drags on, it's like, it also creates that expectation that I'm available a lot. And you know, for them, it's like, they get, they get to ask the questions. There's impetus for them to ask the questions, which is going to move the needle.
project that they're working on that week. And I like to do that like a Tuesday and a Thursday. And then you find that they're real in deep implementation mode. And by the time that I've caught up with them, a lot of it's done and what they need from me is answered.
Chantelle Bruinsma (23:20)
Well, when you're training them to like, you can work it out. Like we trust you. back you. We back you. Like you will make the right decision. We, you know, we can swing back to this on Thursday, but like, you know, they can resolve problems. They can learn how to solve problems for sure.
Michelle Hunter (23:33)
And consistency is key, like even by putting in kind of like this structure in place and you're consistent, they're answering their own questions like one month into into the this process. It's just about being consistent and key with that and how you're rolling out that structure.
Chantelle Bruinsma (23:41)
I remember when you were my EA, I used to, before you were CEO, I remember when I used to open up my inbox and it's like, I'd get emails kind of send and I would open up zoom and I would share my screen in my inbox and I would literally open email and I would talk, Hey Michelle, welcome to our kind of like email go through. And I would open up and I would talk about my response, what I'd like actioned. And I would go the next done, next email, here's what you need to do. Next one, here's what we want to do. Here's what we need to do. I really, really clear on like,
Michelle Hunter (23:53)
Chantelle Bruinsma (24:14)
just gonna move through this and then Michelle can watch the video and could kind of roll out everything that I'd kind of shared.
Michelle Hunter (24:20)
And that petered it off. Did you notice that petered off? And then, you know what? And then in that time, you know, our team has gotten bigger and I've trained that process with others and that's just kind of like filtered down the line and it, and it works. You know, if you're in your studio, it might be someone who's sitting with you and it might be like a bit more intensive for you to set them up. But again, it's just that kindness. You're giving them that upfront kind of investment, but it will Peter off. It's not going to happen all
Chantelle Bruinsma (24:22)
We don't do it anymore, mainly because I don't get emails. I don't get emails anymore. It's the best. Shell gets a lot of emails.
Michelle Hunter (24:49)
the time.
It's like...
Chantelle Bruinsma (24:50)
There's freedom
on the other side, friend. There's freedom on the other side of knowing that you're worthy of having things how you want to feel in this business. So let's wrap this up, my friend. So if you were to think about the one thing you wanted to nourish your no with, is it that student that's kind of really giving you angst? Is it that team member who's really been, you've been carrying this for a long time? Is it...
Michelle Hunter (24:57)
Chantelle Bruinsma (25:16)
that you need more time or you kind of want to change some financial things in the business. Like what is the one thing you like? I'm ready to nourish my no. I'm ready to do things a little bit differently and set things up how you want them. Right Michelle? It's time.
Michelle Hunter (25:28)
That's right,
it's time. And then even what can be that follow-up communication piece is like, what's that, you know, what's that conversation, difficult conversation I can have with that team member or what's that email I can send? How can I then have that follow-up action that kindly is clear and nourishes my no?
Chantelle Bruinsma (25:49)
Clear is kind, unclear is unkind.
Michelle Hunter (25:52)
Chantelle Bruinsma (25:54)
How can we be kinder? How can you be more clear in your communication of what you want and expect and need from your studio? Good chats.
Lovely ones. If you would like to listen to more of these episodes, make sure you've subscribed. And if you want to start getting a whole lot more ease and simplicity in your marketing, take the leap with us. It's six weeks. We're going to transform your entire relationship with marketing your studio and make it easier and simpler for you get more students through the door. It's six weeks. We're going to stop you tolerating that stagnant growth. We're going to systemize your marketing. We're going to get you making more money and it's going to be such a joy. It's six weeks and you will see within.
that amount of time, how many more students you can get through. Our expectation is at least 20 within six weeks will be through your doors. We even send you a sticker chart. That's how excited we are about you achieving it. Lovely ones, thanks for being here with us here today. Michelle and I have loved this chat. We can't wait to hear what your no's are and we'll see you next time on your studio podcast. See ya.
Michelle Hunter (26:53)